2019.10.12 科工专在Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel 举办第27届年会, 以“ 智能化生活的新时代“为主题。西北大学教授,2016年诺贝尔化学奖得主Sir. James Fraser Stoddart, 加拿大工程院院士邓力博士应邀作主旨演讲。Stoddart教授在年会上应邀担任科工专名誉顾问.



2020.1.25 科工专携手各大校友会及专业社团共同发起了为中国抗击新冠疫情捐款的倡议。分别向疫情严重的湖北省捐赠了10万只手套,湖南省捐赠N95口罩10箱,防护服 250, 捐赠总计约$21,905



2020. 3.23 为了帮助本地抗击新冠病毒,科工专携手各大校友会及专业社团,向广大科工专会员和华人同胞发出了捐款倡议。并迅速组成募捐、采购、外宣和财务等协调小组,积极宣传和组织捐赠活动,为本地医疗机构提供力所能及的帮助。科工专一共收到的捐款总数为$25,130


2020.4.20 科工专分别收到了来自中国驻芝加哥总领馆、湖南省侨联以及湖南邵阳市侨联捐赠的一批抗疫物资。


2020.4.21 向芝加哥大学医院捐赠了价值约$3,0003M Coverall 防护服 400套,这批物资及时送给了在急诊前线的奋战的医护人员。

2020.4.27 向伊州发现并治愈第一和第二例Covid-19病例的AMITA Health Saint Alexius Medical Center捐赠$2,000


2020.4.28. 前会长徐向东代表科工专向位于北郊的Fairmont Care in Chicago 老年中心捐赠$2,500现金,该中心内目前共有21COVID-19 cases,并且联合Swedish Covenant Hospital接受新冠病人。


2020.04.29. 汪旸会长、楚非秘书长和陈育兰副秘书长代表科工专分别向出现第一例伊州老年中心COVID-19病人的Willowbrook Cheatu Nursing living 中心和Westmont Manor 老年中心各捐赠价值了$2,500 的防护服,两个中心都是伊州受灾最重的老年中心之一,急需防护设备。




2020. 5.7. Northwestern Medicine医疗系统捐赠$3,000


2020.5.9.向伊州和威斯康辛州最大的医疗集团Advocate Aurora Health (AAH) 捐赠$5,000, AAH目前在伊州和威州共有28 家大型医院。

2020. 5.15. 科工专成立抗疫物资发放协调小组,由胡建红副会长,肖晓琳理事长、袁宇澄副会长和楚非秘书长组成。分别在芝加哥郊区四个镇:Hoffman Estates, Lincolnshire, Long Grove, Willowbrook 社区侨胞发放了同时发放。共为十六个大学校友会、近百位科工专会员,顾问和社区侨胞发放了12千个口罩以及近2000付手套。

2020.5.21汪旸会长、肖小林理事长、陈德巧副会长、楚非秘书长和陶芸华副秘书长向 Lake Zurich Cedar Lake Assisted Living Care 养老院捐赠了他们急需的洗手液,口罩1,000个和手套2,000, 价值约$2,500



2020.5.22. 楚非秘书长和陈育兰副秘书长代表科工专向Naperville Tabor Hills Supportive Living Community 养老中心150名员工提供午餐。


2020.5.23 胡建红副会长、楚非秘书长和陈育兰副秘书长代表科工专向Alden Estate of Naperville Rehabilitation and Extended Care 复健中心全体90爱心午餐,其中陈育兰副秘书长为此次爱心捐赠还特别定制了蛋糕一起慰问中心的工作人员,受到所有人的高度赞扬。

2020. 5 科工专理事会讨论通过将中文名正式改为“美国华人科学家工程师专业人士协会”,并正式将科工专会长任期改为每届两年,一般情况下不予连任。肖小林理事长在第28届年会上宣布了这个改动

2020.6.29. 在科工专IT组的支持下,中央财经大学校友会、北京科技大学校友会、 对外经贸大学校友会、 中国农大校友会、 南京航空航天大学校友会、 华东师大校友会在科工专网站建立了各自校友会自己的网站。

2020.9.19 科工专携手雅美教育文化中心和守望者爱心公益群在线举办了 “科工专关注青少年发展”教育系列讲座《本医连读,从高中到医学院》。主讲嘉宾Argonne National Lab工作的金忠民博士,策划和主持科工的楚非秘书长育蘭副秘书长

2019.10.12 The 27th ACSE annual conference was held at Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel, with the theme of “New Era of Intelligent Life”. Sir. James Fraser Stoddart, Professor of Northwestern University, 2016 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, and Dr. Li Deng, fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, were keynote speakers on this conference. Furthermore, Professor Stoddart accepted our offer and served as the ACSE honorary advisor.

2020.1.25. When the coronavirus crisis began spreading through China earlier this year, ACSE sprang into action. Along with Alumni association and other professional organizations, ACSE launched an effort in late January that drew so many supporters locally to raise over $21,000 to buy masks, gloves , goggles  and other PPEs for those hard-hit hospitals in Hubei and Hunan provinces, which desperately needed them. 

  1. 3.23.  When the pandemic hit the US in March, Healthcare workers across Chicagoland have been pleading for more supplies to help fight and control the coronavirus.  ACSE was quickly responding to that plea and helping those heroes on the front lines.  Teamed with partner alumni associations, ACSE raised funds and donated to health care facilities in the Greater Chicago Area, the total denoted amount was over $25,000.
  2. 4. 20. ACSE received masks, gloves and other PPEs donated from Chinese Consulate General in Chicago and Hunan Province.

2020.4.21. ACSE donated 400 set of 3M Coverall (valued over $3,000) to the Emergency Department of University of Chicago Hospital.

2020.4.27. ACSE donated $2,000 to AMITA Health Saint Alexius Medical Center in Hoffman Estates, which treated the first two COVID-19 cases in Illinois.

2020.4.28. ACSE former President, Mr. Xiangdong Xu donated $2,500 to Fairmont Care in Chicago Senior Centers, which has 21 COVID-19 cases.

2020.04.29. Because seniors and immune-system compromised citizens have been put in a tough position, older adults faced higher risks of contracting COVID-19 and/or experiencing complications. ACSE president Yang Wang, Secretary General Fei Chu and Deputy Secretary General Yulan Chen, donated 20 boxes of isolation gowns (valued over $2,500) each to two senior centers, which were Willowbrook Cheatu Nursing living center and Westmont Manor Senior Centers, respectively.  It needs be noted that Willowbrook Cheatu Nursing living center was the first senior center in Illinois where the COVID-19 case was discovered.


  1. 5.7. ACSE donated $3,000 to Northwestern Medicine Group.
  2. 5.9. ACSE directly donated $5,000 to Advocate Aurora Health (AAH) group, the biggest medical group in Illinois and Wisconsin, which has 28 hospitals locate in both states. 
  3. 5.15. ACSE formed an ad hoc committee to coordinate and organize PPE in fight of COVID-19 virus, the committee member included Vice president James Hu, Chairman of Board of Directors Minna Xiao, Vice president Peter Yuan and secretary general Fei Chu. ACSE distributed over 12,000 masks and 2,000 gloves in total to our members and neighboring communities.
  4. 5.21. ACSE president Yang Wang, Chairman of Board of Directors Minna Xiao, Vice President David Cheng, Secretary General Fei Chu and Deputy Secretary General Yunhua Tao, donated 1,000 masks, 2,000 gloves and other PPE (valued over $2,500) to Lake Zurich Cedar Lake Assisted Living Care center. 

2020.5.22. ACSE Secretary General Fei Chu and Deputy Secretary General Yulan Chen served 200 lunch meals to 150 employee in Naperville Tabor Hills Supportive Living Community Center.

2020.5.23. ACSE Vice president James Hu, Secretary General Fei Chu and Deputy Secretary General Yulan Chen served over 100 lunch meals to 90 employee in Alden Estate of Naperville Rehabilitation and Extended Care Center. 

  1. 5 ACSE board discussed and approved the change of the Chinese name of ACSE to “美国华人科学家工程师专业人士协会”, and officially changed the serve term of the ACSE President from one year to two years, generally not eligible for re-election. Chairman Xiao Xiaolin announced the change at the 28th annual meeting
  2. 6.29. With the help of ACSE, many university alumni associations have started building their own web sites on ACSE.org.

2020.9.26  ACSE hosted a series of Youth Development  & Education  seminars. Today’s topic was co-hosted with AAECC: “Direct Med Program – preparation  starting from high school“. The keynote speaker was Dr. Zhongming Jin from Argonne National Lab. The producer was Dr Fei Chu, ACSE Secretary General. The hostess was Yulan Chen, ACSE Deputy Secretary General.

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