2015.12.4  加州国会议员刘云平(Congressman Ted Lieu)亲临芝加哥华人社区会见,著名华人律师黄正东, 薛海培、陈健女士等华裔社区有识之士,科工专会长梁琨、理事长徐向东, 前会长周麓波、 郭海波等嘉宾出席了当日的活动。


2016.2.20 科工专,芝加哥各大学校友会、各大学中国学生学者联谊会暨其他华人专业人士团体在中国城富丽华酒楼联合举办2016新春联欢晚宴,共贺猴年新春。

2016.2.20 芝加哥“挺梁”大游行2月20日在市中心举行,5000多华人怒吼呐喊,声援纽约华裔警察梁彼得(Peter Liang),抗议歧视少数族裔警官,呼吁司法公正。许多科工专会员积极参与策划和组织工作,游行总指挥之一是科工专副秘书长周建钢。


2016.2.27 由华埠更好团结联盟(CBCAC)主办的“从2.20游行经验到华裔社区远景”专题讨论会,2月27日在芝加哥中国城新图书馆举行。科工专代表周麓波和郭海波在会上发言呼吁华人要关注华裔社区,行使投票权。


 2016.5.22 科工专与希林西北中文学校合办芝加哥求职就业讲座,邀请对美国就业市场, 招聘运作, 和企业文化非常了解的刘斌先生, 给大家提供比较深层次的市场背景分析和实战型的求职技能


2016.8.6 大芝加哥地区华侨华人欢迎洪磊总领事到任晚宴,8月6日在中国城富丽华酒楼隆重举行,芝加哥及美中地区侨学各界人士400多人出席。科工专20多位会员应邀参加,会长梁琨 代表讲话。


2016.8.13 科工专与芝加哥地区各大校友会、专业人士协会联合举办的2016以“健身强体,幸福生活”为主题的夏季野餐联谊,七百多位侨学各界欢聚在北郊风景如画的森林公园, 热闹非凡。


2016.9.11 福建省海外高层次人才招聘团,9月11日在芝加哥西郊举办高层次人才与项目洽谈会,在欧美精英创业家协会、华联会、科工专等众多本地华人协会的大力协助下,本次招聘洽谈活动取得圆满成功。科工专会长梁琨和前理事长王滔出席了活动。

2016.10.22 科工专在Harper学院召开第24届年会,以“大数据时代统计在商业中的应用和机遇”为主题的年会邀请多位专家进行专题演讲,吸引众多学术科研界的留学生、华裔专业人士踊跃参加。会上梁琨连续第二次当选为会长。

2017.1.6 四川大学代表团访问芝加哥,在芝加哥大学举行了招聘推广宣传会。在芝加哥大学中国学生学者联合会,科工专协会,四川大学芝加哥校友会等协会的大力协助下,本次招聘洽谈活动取得圆满成功


2017.2.25 科工专,芝加哥各大学校友会、各大学中国学生学者联谊会暨其他华人专业人士团体,联合举办2017新春联欢晚宴,大家欢聚一堂,交流联谊同时,主办方还大力支持华人参政,现场为竞选西郊203学区董事的华裔候选人梁保罗募捐筹款。


2017.6.18 科工专和徐工集团在芝加哥北郊的万丽酒店成功举办了人才推介洽谈会,徐工代表团由人力资源部长蒋磊女士率领,会上他们并和科工专签署了合作意向书。此次活动由科工专副会长肖小林主持,梁琨会长和徐向东理事长参加了洽谈会。

2017.7.5 中国国务院侨办主任裘援平在北京会见了以会长梁琨为团长的旅美中国科学家工程师专业人士协会考察团一行。

2017.7.6 2017华创会日前在武汉市圆满落幕。在以“万侨创新,发展共享”为主题的第十七届华创会上,科工专代表团尤其引人瞩目,充分体现了大芝加哥地区华人华侨心系祖国建设的赤子之情、促进中美友好交流合作的热情与实力。

2017.8.12  科工专与芝加哥地区各大校友会、专业人士协会联合举办的2017夏季野餐联谊圆满落幕。600多位大芝加哥地区侨学各界人士欢聚在北郊风景如画的Deer Grove Forest Palatine)森林公园,以“健身强体,幸福生活”为主题本届野餐联谊,文艺活动精彩,野餐烧烤美食飘香,大家一起享受周末好时光,加强侨学各界的交流联谊。


2015.12.4 Congressman Ted Lieu met with Chicago Chinese community leaders attorney John Huang, Haipei Xue, Lilly Chen and other activists. Several ACSE leaders attended including President Liang Kun,  Chairman Xu Xiangdong, former ACSE presidents Lubo Zhou and Haibo Guo.

2016.2.20 ACSE and other major alumni associations delivered a successful party at Chicago’s China Town to celebrated the Lunar New Year of Monkey.

2016.2.20 Over five thousand people participated in the Chicago “Supporting Peter Liang” parade to call for justice. Many ACSE members were actively involved in the planning and organization of this parade, one of the major organizers is ACSE’s Deputy Secretary-General, Zhou Jiangang.

2016.2.27 ACSE participated at the Symposium of “From the 2.20 Parade Experience to the Future of Chinese Community” hosted by the Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community (CBCAC) at the New Library of Chinatown, Chicago. ACSE Representatives Zhou Lubo and Guo Haibo spoke at the meeting.

2016.5.22 ACSE and Xilin Northwest Chinese School co-organized a seminar focusing on how to prepare for job interview and other career related topics. The speaker, Mr. Liu Bin, shared his knowledge on how to improve resume writing, interview preparation and other job-seeking skills.

2016.8.6 The Greater Chicago Chinese community hosted a welcome party for the Consul General Mr. Hong Lei and more than 400 people attended. Over 20 ACSE members were invited to this event, president Liang Kun gave her speech on behalf of our organization.

2016.8.13 ACSE coordinated and organized 2016 summer picnic that accommodated over 700 people from the greater Chicago area. The theme is “Fitness and Happiness” to promote outdoor activities and physical exercise.

2016.9.11 Fujian Province, overseas high-level talent recruitment delegation visited Chicago and hosted a job fair. The event was well received with help from local organizations including ACSE.

2016.10.22 ACSE’s 24th annual conference was held at Harper College with theme “Prospective and Opportunity of Statistic in Business in the Big Data Era”. Ms. Liang Kun for the second time in a row was elected as the president.

2017.1.6 Sichuan University delegation visited Chicago to seek collaboration with local universities and business. The promotional event was held at the University of Chicago. ACSE, UC Chinese Students Association, Sichuan Alumni Association of Chicago are among the organizations that assisted the delegation.

2017.2.25 ACSE, University Alumni Associations,  Chinese Students and Scholars Association and other professional groups, jointly organized the 2017 New Year celebration party. Besides the traditional program, organizers also helped Paul Leong, the 203 school district board candidate raise campaign fund.

2017.6.18 ACSE and Xugong Group delegation met at North Suburbs of Chicago. The delegation was led by the VP of HR, Ms. Jiang Lei. The meeting  was chaired by Xiao Xiaolin, vice president of ACSE while  President Liang Kun and Chairman Xu Xiangdong also attended this event.

2017.7.5 Qiu Yuanping,Minister of Oversea Chinese Affairs’ Office of the State Council of P. R. China met with ACSE delegation.

2017.7.6 2017 “Hua Chuang Hui” was another big success in Wuhan City, China. The forum focused on innovation and globalization and one of the highlights is the delegation of ACSE from Chicago.

2017.8.12  ACSE coordinated and organized 2017 summer picnic that accommodated over 600 people from the greater Chicago area. This event was another huge success thanks to the organizers’ planning and execution!

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