1995.9.14. 协会明尼苏达州分会成立,史新为首任会长,吴冰为理事长。

1995.9.16. 第三届年会召开,主题为”从创业时代走向辉煌的世纪”。中科院秘书长竺玄,美国工程院院士黎念之,摩托罗拉公司副总裁,前中国公司董事长赖其森莅临演讲。

1995.9. “创业者”创刊。全国人大副委员会,中科院院长周光召题写刊名。前全国人大副委员会, 中科院院长卢嘉锡题词。

1995.10.24. 欢迎全国人大副委员长,中科院院长周光召访问协会,并聘为荣誉顾问。

1996.4.27. 举办春季研讨会:”公司里成长”,超过六百人参加,收到捐款六千多美元。

1996.6.16. 科工专协会亚利桑那州凤凰城分会成立,申军为首任会长。

1996.7.17~22. 协会组团回国访问,受到江泽民主席和宋健国务委员的接见。

1996.9.14. 第四届年会举行。美联邦参议员科恩(William Cohn),中国国务院侨办张伟超副主任,同济大学校长吴启迪等作为嘉宾发表演讲。

1996.9.28. 协会举办“中国二十一世纪议程”讨论会,由国家“二十一世纪议程管理中心”副主任介绍。同时,熊天渝应邀去北京出席“中国二十一世纪议程第二届高级国际园桌会议”,受到国家科委邓楠副主任接见。


1997.1.25. 由王永高任总干事,协会全力主办的大芝加哥春节联欢晚会盛况空前,4000多人参加。

1997.7.1. 协会组织芝加哥地区华人花车游行,庆祝香港回归。理事会主席王永高和首任会长熊天渝应邀分别出席在香港和北京举行的香港回归庆典。

1997.9. 第五届年会举行,中国全国人大常委会副委员长吴阶平、科学院副院长许崇智和美国IGT总裁李行恕博士莅临大会作演讲。

1997.10. 第三届“中美工程技术研讨会”在北京举行,会员熊天渝,倪军等应邀出席,受到江泽民主席接见。熊天渝再次担任美方能源专题主席。

1998.4.19~25. 举行春季活动周和“春之声”文艺晚会,姜昆出席作精彩表演。

1998.8. 协会为中国水灾赈灾捐款超过一万美元。

1998.9.12. 第六届年会举行。中国全国人大副委员长丁石孙莅临并作演讲。

1998.9.18——10.6. 熊天渝和王全录应邀参加“98春晖计划”,考察三峡库区生态和环境问题,熊天渝代表环保专题向李岚清副总理汇报,并在“人民日报”撰文谈大气污染治理。

1998.10. 协会与清华大学出版社合作,开始编撰“二十一世纪科技前沿”系列专著。由苏海萍,刘国奎、桂新群、罗建树、韦大同组成编委会,由苏海萍和刘国奎任共同主席。。科工专付会长刘国奎任总编,迄今已出版三十余册。

1999.3.6. 举办“九九艳阳春”综艺晚会。国内众多名星演员出席表演。

1999.4.2. 科工专致函克林顿总统, 表述在所谓“中国间谍”一事的立场和观点。

1999.4.3. 科工专举办春季研讨会,并设立“科工专优秀学生奖”。

1999.9.11. 第七届年会召开。中国驻联合国大会副代表沈国放和美国中部委员会主席Minder等莅临并作主题演讲。

1999.9.26. 科工专协会布置的彩车参加芝加哥华人华侨庆祝中国五十年国庆游行。

1999.12.12. 举办“千禧年联欢会”。

1999.12.19. 科工专集会庆祝澳门回归。

2000.4.15. 举行以职业发展为主题的春季研讨会。

2000.6.20—7.1. 科工专国际交流团回国访问了杭州、绍兴、宁波、上海、湖北、黄石等地。

2000.9.16. 第八届年会召开。以中国加入WTO的形势为主题。

1995.9.14. ACSE local chapter in Minnesota was established. Xin Shi was elected first president and Bing Wu as Chair of the Board

1995, 9, 16:  The 3rd ACSE annual meeting was held, with a theme “From the Era of Pioneers to a Glorious New Century”.  Dr. Xuan Zhu, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Dr. Norman Li, member of US Academy of Engineering; and Mr. Qishen Lai, former Vice President of Motorola were the featured keynote speakers.

1995, 9:  ACSE publication <<Pioneer>> was launched.

1995, 10, 24: ACSE welcomed Mr. Guangzhao Zhou, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of National People’s Congress and President of Chinese Academy of Sciences.  Mr. Zhou was named an ACSE Honorary Advisor.

1996, 6, 16:  ACSE Phoenix, Arizona Chapter established.  Mr. Jun Shen was elected first President.

1996, 7, 12-22:  ACSE delegation visited China and was received by China’s President Zeming Jiang and State Councilor Mr. Jian Song.

1996, 9, 14:  the 4th ACSE annual meeting was held.  Then US Senator William Cohn, the Deputy Director of Overseas Chinese Affair Office Mr. Weichao Zhang and the President of Tongji University Ms. Qidi Wu were the featured keynote speakers.

1996, 9, 28:  ACSE held “China’s 21st Century” Forum.

1997, 1, 25:  The Chinese New Year celebration organized by an ACSE committee led by Yonggao Wang met with huge success. 

1997, 7, 1:  ACSE participated in the parade in Chicago, celebrating the return of Hongkong to China.  Dr. Yonggao Wang, then ACSE Chairman of the Board and Dr. Tianyu Xiong, an ACSE Advisor, were invited to the celebrations in Hongkong and Beijing, respectively. 

1997, 9:  The 5th ACSE annual meeting was held.  Dr. Jieping Wu, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of National People’s Congress of China; Mr. Chunzhi Xu, Vice President of The Chinese Academy of Sciences; and Dr. Xinru Li, President of Institute of Gas Technologies were the featured keynote speakers.

1997, 10:  The third “China-America Engineering & Technolory Forum” was held in Beijing.  ACSE member Tianyu Xiong and Jun Ni attended and were received by China’s President Zeming Jiang. 

1998, 4, 19:  ACSE held spring symposium and “The Sound of Spring” variety show.

1998, 8: ACSE raised over $10,000 for the flood victims in China.

1998, 9, 12:  The 6th ACSE annual meeting was held.  Dr. Shisun Ding, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of National People’s Congress of China, was the honored guest speaker.

1998, 9, 18-10, 6:  ACSE member Tianyu Xiong and Quanlu Wang participated in “1998 Chunhui Jihua” delegation, touring the Three-Gorge Damn area and consulting on ecological and environmental issues.

1998, 10:  ACSE and Tsinghua University Press signed contract to collaborate on the publication of <<The frontiers of Science in the 21st Century>> series of books.  An editing committee consisting of Haiping Su, Guokui Liu, Xinqiong Gui, Jianshu Luo and Datong Wei was appointed by ACSE Board of Directors, with Drs. Haiping Su and Guokui Liu as co-Chairman of the committee, and ACSE Vice-President Guokui Liu as Editor-in-Chief.  Over thirty volumes have been published to date.

1999, 4, 2:  ACSE sent a letter to the US President William J. Clinton, expressing its’ position on the so-called “Chinese espionage” issue.

1999, 9, 11:  The 7th ACSE annual meeting was held.  China’s Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations, Mr. Guofang Shen, was the honored guest speaker.

1999, 9, 26:  ACSE took part in Chicago’s parade celebrating the 50th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.

1999, 12, 12:  ACSE held new millennium celebration party.

1999, 4, 15:  ACSE held spring symposium, focusing on career growth.

1999, 6, 20-7,1:  ACSE delegation visited China.

2000, 9, 16:  The 8th annual meeting was held, focusing on China’s entrance into WTO.

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