
四川大学作为四川和西南最大的综合高等院校。现在的四川大学是由原四川大学, 原成都科技大学,原华西医科大学三所全国重点大学,强强合并而成。120多年来,四川大学铸就了以校训“海纳百川,有容乃大”和校风“严谨、勤奋、求是、创新”为核心的川大精神,谱写了中国现代大学继承与创新并进,光荣与梦想交织的炫彩华章 。




会长:  任萍萍   617-880-9876


副会长: 罗英,江一洁




2016年9月 四川大学芝加哥校友庆祝母校120周年

2016年12月3日 四川大学校友、川渝老乡冬季节日欢聚








Sichuan University Alumni Association at Chicago

Sichuan University (SCU) is one of China’s top universities. It is the largest comprehensive university in Sichuan and in Southwest area of China. Sichuan University is an institution that comprises three former national universities: the former Sichuan University, the former Chengdu University of Science and Technology, and the former West China University of Medical Sciences. Sichuan University is located in Chengdu, a famous historic and cultural capital city. Sichuan University has actively established contacts and cooperative relationships with over 248 renowned colleges and universities as well as research institutes from 32 countries and regions.

Sichuan University Alumni Association at Chicago was established in August, 2016. Since its establishment, Sichuan University Alumni Association at Chicago conducted several great activities, including celebration picnic of Sichuan University 120th founding anniversary, SCU alumni networking events, winter holiday gala, and career development lecture. In addition, Sichuan University Alumni Association at Chicago actively participated professional and community events, such as ACSE professional summer picnic and annual conference, and gala by Chinese American Association of Greater Chicago.

In the future, Sichuan University Alumni Association at Chicago will continuously organized more events by itself to act as bridges between Alumni, Sichuan University, and Chicago communities. Sichuan University Alumni Association at Chicago would like to help alumni while promoting the development and prosperity of Sichuan University and Chinese American Community in Chicago.


Contact Info     Email: scumidusalumni@gmail.com

President: Pingping Ren 617-880-9876

Secretary General:  Lixiang Chen

Vice President: Ying Luo, Yijie Jiang

Vice Secretary:  Sijia Deng, Yu Zhou, Shan Li


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